Online franking and delivery of your business mail
We all love a bit of DIY. Roll up the sleeves, have a go, and stand back to admire your hard work – and that philosophy is fine if you’re talking about changing the oil in your car or putting up some shelves – but if you scale things up to rebuilding your car engine or adding an extension to your house – you’re better off leaving it to the experts.
The same goes for your mail delivery process, sending out post from your office, even if it’s in the hundreds a week, is quite manageable with modern mailroom equipment such as folder inserters and franking machines – but once you scale up the volume it makes a lot more sense to outsource your outgoing post.
When you factor in your workforce’s physical location – with many working remotely – you really see the benefits, making life easier for employees and keeping track of your outbound communications from a central hub.
Why outsource your mail?
In the world of business, and in this instance insurance, the complexities of interaction with customers, their needs, and the technology around it are ever changing. If you’ve invested in your outbound customer communications strategy, handing over the responsibility of delivery and tracking to a provider with the latest equipment and know-how just makes sense. With the responsibility to maintain machinery and stay up-to-date with software and technology remaining with the mail delivery provider, you don’t need to worry about it becoming obsolete.
If your business has seasonal peaks, you won’t want to have machinery, or staff employed to run it sat idle. Outsourcing means the demand is always met by the production ability, while you get on with looking after your business and customer needs.
Some benefits of outsourced mail delivery
- Take advantage of the provider’s experience
- You get access to the latest technology
- Use their understanding of processes
- Save on physical space needed for operations
- Compliance with data regulations
Remain competitive and delight your customers
The main consideration for most businesses when looking at new technology and processes will be ‘will this save us money?’, which is understandable – but when talking about value, it’s not all about finance. How much do you value your ability to please your customers? Would contacting them quickly, correctly, and in the way they want to be contacted make a difference to your reputation, and customer retention?
The speed of technology has made us all impatient, and in the mobile-first world we expect to be able to send communications from anywhere, and get instant responses. That response rate, combined with assurances of security will give your customers the confidence they need. There are of course always going to be those communications that need to be sent physically, just as there will always be customers who demand it, so a hybrid approach with the same ease of use, and visibility of process stages is vital.
By allowing your employees to use templated documents that keep branding in place, can be tracked, and meet data protection regulations, you make their life easier and protect your business. These documents can be sent at the click of a button, processed, and then delivered either digitally, or physically through the post. At every stage they are tracked, and delivery stages can be monitored.
With the added advantage of postage discounts, personalised mail, and marketing messages printed directly onto your post you can save money and speak personally to your customers, improving that relationship and trust.
If you are considering outsourcing your post and customer communications, just get in touch to speak to us, or download this brochure which explains how the cloud-based mail delivery system from Twofold works.
Want to know more?
Twofold Ltd assists businesses to overcome these mail and document challenges with our range of mailroom equipment and software solutions. From mailroom equipment, scanning and capture, to document management and full digital transformation, contact us via the form here, or give the team a call on 0118 951 9800.
Karen James
Mailroom Specialist